
Sunday, 22 September 2013

Day 21 - Lapwing

I really didn't think I'd get a painting in this weekend but thought I'd squeeze one in before going to bed so I don't fall too far behind as I very much doubt I'll get a chance to paint tomorrow evening.  Lapwings are beautiful birds which you will find on farmland and wetlands.  I love their splendid crest feathers and the subtle variations of colour on their wings. The lapwing has suffered significant declines recently and is now a red list species.  This painting was done from a photo by Gary Jones at RSPB Conwy.


  1. HI Sharon Now this was a lovely coloured bird to paint and of course you have done it beautifully.

  2. Beautiful painting - love the colours within.

  3. Dear Sharon - what a beautiful bird and so well done. We do not have these birds in my part of the world. So happy you took time to share. Take care and have a great day.

  4. Your painting makes me want to see one of these guys!! So pretty :)

  5. lovely painting Sharon :)

  6. He is so wonderful. Glad you found time to paint him.


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