
Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Day 11 - Red Fox

© Sharon Whitley
Red Fox watercolour
from a photo by Lucy Swinburne

Red foxes have overtaken grey wolves as the most widespread canines in the wild and is the only wild member of the dog family to still inhabit the UK.  They are very adaptable and occupy our inner city areas as well as our countryside.  More can be learned about the red fox here. Beautiful animals!


  1. Sharon this is lovely. You make animals come alive on the paper.

  2. Found you in this 30 day Chall. Love your work

  3. Your red fox is so stunning. Love it!

  4. they are beautiful and much maligned. You've done them justice here - what a stunning looking creature.

  5. What a wonderful fox portrait! Love your use of the watercolor - beautiful!

  6. Sharon - I love your animals. You do a wonderful job. I also am an animal/wildlife painter in watercolor. Please take a look at my blog if you get a chance to see my work. I would like to join your site and I would like to invite you to join mine also. After all, us artists have to stick together. Great job Sharon.

  7. Sharon-
    I too have a red fox on my easel, but not quite ready to post.
    I love yours, and you should know that here in Massachusetts we have many litters around us this year-
    the foxhunters won't be getting them, but the cars might.
    I am enjoying your posts very much, thank you!
    Margaret Sheldon


I love hearing from you, thank you so much for leaving a comment - I will always try to leave a reply and pop over to visit your blog if you have one - although sometimes I may be slower than others, have a wonderful day xx