Today I saw a beautiful rainbow as I was driving along. I travelled round a bend and there it was looming up ahead arching either side of the car as bright as can be. By the time I had pulled over safely to take a photo most of it had faded and there were just the ends still showing.
Doesn't look much in the photo I know!
Then this evening after work and before tea, we went on a run - I didn't really want to go as I was sooo tired but I made myself go and as I was jogging along thinking how tired my legs were I noticed that the clouds had cleared and the stars were out and suddenly my legs didn't seem so tired anymore!
Tomorrow is a day off for Gary and I and we are planning a day in Snowdonia as he has been asked to give a presentation to the Snowdonia Society at a place called the Ugly House talking about his passion for the landscape and wildlife of Snowdonia through his photography and my artwork. More about that tomorrow hopefully! In the meantime here is a painting I did 2 years ago of the Ugly House (or Ty Hyll as it's known in Welsh)
that stone house painting is fabulous Sharon