
Thursday, 30 January 2014

Painting no. 29

Painting no. 29
Little Black Slip

I had very limited time to paint last night, and was really tired after a day's work so looked around for something simple I could paint so as not to get left behind at the last hurdle in this painting a day challenge.. I wondered if this little black slip on it's hanger would work as a painting so gave that a go - and I quite like the result - nice and simple but hopefully effective.  I may do another for painting no. 30 as I've got limited time again to paint this evening as we're out for a meal.  Oh to be able to not have to work and paint during the day more!!!

Day off tomorrow and hoping to get a good Winter hike in but the weather's looking a bit dodgy to say the least - this reminds me that we haven't been keeping Two Pairs of Boots up to date.  The last post was in September and we've been on lots of walks since then so must start posting there again!

Have a wonderful evening whatever you're doing!


  1. Beautiful I can feel the silk with my eyes. xo

  2. It looks authentically satin and I love the simplicity of the black against light. Your works have been terrific throughout the challenge!

  3. Unbelievable how such a simple subject can have such a ! wow! factor ~~~
    Not to mention how well it's been painted... BJ


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