It's funny isn't it - when you find that you really enjoy doing something that you didn't think was your cup of tea? Well, I've found this with plein air painting. I've been toying with the idea for a while but really didn't think I'd take to it, being so used to painting in the comfort of my home and when I am outdoors I'm used to walking, not sitting! Yet I've found I've really quite enjoyed it - I've only done a handful of plein air sketches and the results haven't been great, but it's the enjoyment of sitting there with a live subject in front of you and being out in the open. I did a couple on Friday for Maggie Latham's small works challenge. The challenge is to paint some postcard sized watercolours en plein air. I've got some watercolour paper scraps from Ken Bromley's Art Supplies - they have a box that you can help yourself from and I took a handful when I was there (
link to post) so they came in very handy for this challenge! We drove to Loggerheads which is an AONB near us - I already knew what I wanted to paint, the bridge over the River Alyn, so I sat myself down on the bench near the bridge, got some water from the river and started to paint. I use one of those pan sets that W&N do when working plein air, which is a bit alien to me as I normally use tubes and it's weird not knowing what colours you're using as well but I'm getting used to using them.
Here is the first watercolour sketch which took about half an hour.
Bridge at Loggerheads © Sharon Whitley |
and here is me in situ - there were a couple of light showers but the trees helped keep me dry
Then we had a wander through the woods and I sat at the side of the path to paint another watercolour
The finished painting and my favourite of the two
Walk through the woods © Sharon Whitley |
With two small paintings under my belt it was time to visit Caffi Florence for a delicious bowl of homemade soup, then home, a perfect end to a lovely morning. Poor Gary though was hoping to get some wildlife shots while I was painting as we sometimes see Tree Creepers, and Dippers in this area but no such luck this morning - it's a good job he enjoys watching me paint!
We went out to Loggerheads again on Saturday night and I took my little scraps of watercolour paper with me and had another go, this time the weather was a bit more extreme and the wind was howling making it a bit difficult to keep my pot of water upright and paint straight !!!
Extreme painting! |
Needless to say the results were quite loose - good job that was the feel I was going for then!!!! I did three small sketches but am only showing you the one I like best as the other two are howlers! I'm out with the paints again tonight to do a bit more!
Moel Famau © Sharon Whitley |
Til next time bloggers, have a lovely day!